Academic & Staff

1. Academic Salary Minima

Faculty salary minima shall follow the campus salary guidelines in determining what the average salary increase should be. Although subject to change, amounts reflected below remain flat from FY24 EXCEPT for the minimum for Postdocs, which will be raised to $45K. Any recommended changes from the Bloomington Faculty Council will be sent to units directly.

Faculty salary minima
Level codePositionSalary/months
FT1/LT1Full Professor/Librarian$64,191/10
FT2/LT2Associate Professor/Librarian$52,500/10
FT3/LT3Assistant Professor/Librarian$41,814/10
FLXInstructor/Affiliate Librarian/Lecturer$38,876/10
RSP/RSXPostdoc Fellow and Research Fellow$45,000/12
RSS/UASResearch Associate and Academic Specialist$37,370/12

2. Vacant Positions—All Fund Groups Except Contract & Grant

Vacant Positions: Vacancies create an opportunity to examine your unit’s operational needs. If a position will not be filled soon, delete the position, and reallocate base funds to meet other priority needs. Note: Deleting the record in budget construction only removes funding. The position remains “active” until a Maintain Position e-doc is processed to change its status. Please direct questions to Henry Gabriel (

Budgeting Vacant Positions: Vacant positions must be budgeted with the desired amount for a planned future hire, otherwise, the minimum amount for that vacancy rank is to be budgeted

3. Split Appointment—All Fund Groups

When budgeting salaries for employees who are split funded between accounts, Responsibility Centers, and/or Campuses:

When budgeting salaries for shared employees who are split funded between accounts, Responsibility Centers, and/or campuses, contact the other funding unit’s FO to discuss the distribution of salary and funding percentages. This open communication will improve the accuracy of the salary submission and reduce the need for campus follow-up. A new feature available in KFS allows view only access of the other portion of a split employee’s salary and percent of funding. We trust the ability to view this information will be a valuable tool for users during the salary setting process. View "New View/Report Functionality."

When entering the salary request and percent, the amounts entered must mathematically agree based on the total salary/FTE for the employee on each account.

The Total Intended field can be used as a communication tool between RCs for split-funded employees to reflect the proposed annual salary and FTE. The field can also be used for those employees whose total funding will be budgeted less than 100%.

Note: Because an employee’s benefits can be affected when their appointment drops below 100%, please contact the appropriate Human Resource office if additional guidance is needed. Please direct questions to Henry Gabriel (

4. Strategic Hiring Program—General Fund Only

Base funding for FY25 Strategic Hires will be provided post-July 1, 2024. In the notes section on the hiring e-doc, indicate that the hire is part of the Strategic Program. During budget construction, budget the expected amount from the campus as a negative in object code 2003/sub object “STR”.

5. Faculty 100 Program: General Fund Only

Base funding for FY25 Faculty 100 Hires will be provided post-July 1, 2024. In the notes section on the hiring e-doc, indicate that the hire is part of the Faculty 100 Program. During budget construction, budget the expected amount from the campus as a negative in object code 2003/sub object “100”.

6. Presidential Diversity Hiring Initiative

Presidential funds will cover 100% of salary and benefits (non-base) on GF accounts for the first 3 years, after which the campus will provide base to cover 75% of salary and benefits. The first 3 years of presidential funding should have been budgeted in Inc Inc in 9918. Instructions will be provided next year for FY26 base.