Cost Share


There has been a renewed emphasis placed on cost sharing and its administration by the Federal government. See Office of Research Administration (ORA) page on Cost Share.

The following are Policies and Important Notices to cost sharing. Please see documents on policies and important notices at the following locations:

Congress has legislatively mandated a provision for the limitation of salary. Commonly known as the NIH Salary Cap, this limitation restricts the amount of direct salary of an individual charged against an NIH grant or cooperative agreement (referred to here as a grant) or applicable contract to Executive Level II of the Federal Executive Pay scale.

Updated on April 18, 2019:

Effective January 8, 2019, the Executive Level II Pay Scale was increased, therefore increasing the NIH Salary Limitation from $189,600.00 to $192,300.00.

The Academic 10-month salary limitation increased from $142,200 to $144,225.

Academic Summer Pay is subject to the same rate as the Academic Year Salary. Review the guidance at NIH Salary Cap.


Salary Cap Summary (FY 1990 - Present)

Notice on Salary Limitation on Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Contracts

The increased salary limitation is effective on all new and existing Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) awards subject to the Executive Level II Pay Scale beginning January 8, 2019.

More information regarding the DHHS Salary Limitation at Indiana University can be found in Policy SPA-11-008, National Institutes of Health (NIH) Salary Limitation.

Any faculty or staff paid from an NIH grant are subject to this limitation and any salary or wages which exceeds the cap must be cost shared.

See Research policy National Institutes of Health (NIH) Salary Limitation, SPA-11-008.

See NIH Salary Limitation Notice for more details on the Salary Cap.
