Planning of Conferences


The planning of a Conference begins by working with IU Purchasing and IU Conferences.

For Covid-19 international arrangements click here.

- A “letter of invitation” is a legitimate request for someone from another country to attend a conference in the United States. It is needed to obtain a visa. However, these same letters can fetch big money on the black market. Do you know how to spot phony requests?

- Fraudulent credit card charges can overstate your income, can take months to resolve, and can result in a monetary loss to the conference.

- There are substantial penalties for a breach of credit card security and the University can be fined thousands of dollars.

- A conference presenter from another country, who doesn’t obtain the correct visa before they travel, may not be allowed into the U.S., and they probably won’t get paid.

- A poorly negotiated hotel contract can result in thousands of wasted dollars.

- You can be personally liable if you sign a contract that commits funds for the University.

- There is an organization on campus that handles these issues and more – IU Conferences.

- Any activity that brings in revenue is required to have an RPAQ (Revenue Producing Activity Questionnaire) completed prior to the conference or event.

- IU employees are not allowed to sign contracts on behalf of IU. Please see policy Signature Authority and Delegation, FIN-TRE-100 for further details.

- Contact IU Conferences by email or by phone at 812-855-6922.

See IU Conferences website for further details.